Be on Time! Arriving late to class is extremely rude and distracting to other students and instructor. Students who arrive late must ask to enter class… instructor may allow it or may ask you to sit and watch. Important warm up and stretching occurs during the first 15 minutes of class.
Follow the Dress Code It is important to dress like a dancer in order to feel like a dancer! Dress code is in place to help students succeed and so the teacher can see the body to make important corrections. *Anyone not in dance clothes will not be allowed to participate in class.
No Jewelry Small stud earrings and string bracelets are the ONLY exception. Jewelry can result in injury to you and others- as well as a mess if broken.
No sitting during class unless you are told to do so. Sitting down is a sign of laziness and disrespect and will not be tolerated.
No Gum or Eating during class time There are designated breaks for snacks and drinks. Not on the dance floor!
No sugary drinks in dance studio or waiting area. They are always spilled and create a sticky mess. Water and Gatorade only.
Be Respectful –to your teacher, fellow students and yourself. No talking when the teacher is talking. You will be asked to leave class if you are being rude or distracting.
Practice as if you are performing Always give 100%! Always be ready to go when it’s your turn to go across the floor.
Take corrections with gratitude- and apply them. Teachers are there to teach you and you are there to learn. They will correct you to help make you a better dancer. Listen to them.
Thank your teacher and applaud at the end of each class. You clap for your teacher, fellow classmates and yourself for a good class. Also applaud anytime a classmate is asked to demonstrate something.